Jim Rogers speaks frankly in his latest interview regarding a raft of issues ranging from the Ukraine war to commodities, precious metals, USD reserve status, and precious metals.

Referring to the Ukraine war, a shocked Jim Rogers said that it should not have happened. “It’s absolute madness,” said Jim Rogers.

Jim Rogers thinks effective diplomacy could have prevented the Ukrainian war, which is also a view we share.

Jim Rogers noted that the current geopolitical crisis originated from a 2014 coup in Kiev, which was instigated by the US State Department.

US elected leaders are seeing their actions paid for gravely, “now we’re all paying a gigantic price for it,” said Jim Rogers.

“We should not have instigated the coup, and back in 2008, we said we are going to put Ukraine and Georgia in NATO,” said Jim Rogers.

We should not have instigated the coup, and back in 2008, we said we are going to put Ukraine and Georgia in NATO


Jim Rogers compares a hypothetical case where Russia has an alliance with Mexico, stationing troops and missiles and tanks. “What do you think we would do. We would send an army down there and send them away,” he said.

Moreover, Nuland’s recent confession of biological research facilities in Ukraine is evidence of further provocations.

 “We are now quite concerned that Russian troops man be seeking to gain control of those labs,” said Victoria Nuland before a Senate committee in March.

Nevertheless, Ukrainian sovereign borders have been violated by Russian forces. 

The burden of suffering always falls on the innocent people on both sides. 

For those interested, the documentary “Ukraine On Fire” gives a historic, fair and balanced view of how the Ukrainian crisis flamed into a war. 

Nuland’s recent confession of biological research facilities in Ukraine is evidence of further provocations


Jim Rogers speaks frankly that a string of sanctions on Russia, which some call financial warfare directed from the US, could backfire and crush the dollar sooner than expected

“What is happening with the US dollar now is the end of the US dollar because an international currency is supposed to be neutral. But in Washington, they are now changing the rules,” said Jim Rogers.

“Now, if Washington doesn’t like you, they put sanctions on you, and you cannot use dollars,” he added.

Jim Rogers noted that Chinese, Indians, Iranians, Brazilians are looking to come up with something to compete with the US dollar for political and economic reasons.

We’re [the U.S.] shooting ourselves in the foot every day,” said Jim Rogers.

So Jim Rogers speaks frankly about USD reserve currency status, which he believes has been jeopardized because the US dollar has been politicized and is no longer neutral.

“Nobody in their right mind will use the US dollar if they think they might cross the US State Department,” said Jim Rogers.

It is not doing Putin any good, it is not doing anyone any good. If he can find a way to save face, things will stop, and that will lead to a big rally” – Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers speaks frankly about the coming recession, which he frets over

He thinks we are overdue for a recession, bearing in mind it has been twelve years since the last recession. That is the longest in American history since the previous recession, noted Jim Rogers. 

Jim Rogers believes that something in Ukraine will cause the war to conclude soon.

“It is not doing Putin any good, it is not doing anyone any good. If he can find a way to save face, things will stop, and that will lead to a big rally,” he said. 

But Jim Rogers refers to the coming stock market melt-up as a big and final rally. “I hope I am smart enough to sell that rally,” he said. 

Jim Rogers speaks frankly about commodities believing that the ongoing rally could continue for a little while longer. “I would suspect that supply and demand have gotten out of whack, and most commodities bull markets will last a long time,” he said. “They are printing a lot of money and continue to print a lot of money. Money printing has always led to inflation, and if you own the things that go up in price, you do well,” added Jim Rogers 

Jim Rogers also noted fundamental changes that are going on in the world. For example, electric cars mean that demand for copper led and semiconductor chips will go up. 

Demand will go up meanwhile nobody is opening up copper or lead mines, he said. 

Regarding precious metals, Jim Rogers speaks frankly saying he is not buying gold and silver at the moment because he likes to buy precious metals when the price is falling.

“if I were buying anything now, I would buy silver because it is cheaper”
Jim Rogers

“If I were buying anything now, I would buy silver because it is cheaper,” he said.

Jim Rogers speaks frankly about the Fed, saying that it has rarely been right about anything in its 110-year history.

“They told us that there is no inflation, then they said it was transitory,” he said.

“Throughout history, money printing has always led to inflation. We are going to have inflation, and that will lead to higher interest rates, and it will lead to profit erosion in some industries and companies,” he said.

 “All of us will have to pay more for a loaf of bread,” said Jim Rogers. 

Finally, Jim Rogers speaks frankly about how to invest during these turbulent times

“Silver is 60% from it’s all-time high that is not a bubble,” he said 

Jim Rogers recommends having the right cash and selling short. He believes that many currencies will go down a lot. He also recommends finding depressed markets, even Russian stocks, when the market opens again. “ I always like a lot of places that are hated and depressed,” he said. 

He thinks if cryptocurrencies are successful, they will be banned or regulated because governments do not like competition.  

But we reiterated our view that cryptocurrencies with utility are unlikely to be impacted adversely by regulations.  

Concerning fears of the Chinese invasion of Taiwan, he thinks it will not happen. 

Jim Rogers recommends that investors keep knowledgeable as he believes that difficult times are dead ahead over the next few years.

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