Crispin Odey launches a new fund called Brook Asset Management.

Crispin Odey is one of the UK’s wealthiest hedge fund managers, sharing an estimated net worth of £825m with his wife Nicola Pease.

The hedge fund veteran’s career has had its share of ebbs and flows.

Crispin Odey’s highlight came after the staunch Brexitier made Brexit contributions, then made a fortune, £220m betting against some of the country’s biggest businesses.

“Crispin Odey is one of the UK’s wealthiest hedge fund managers”


On the morning of the result of the Brexit referendum on 24 June 2016, he reportedly quoted in Italian ‘Il mattino ha l’oro in bocca’ – the morning has gold in its mouth.’ 

But Crispin Odey’s fortune soon turns with the multimillionaire hedge fund manager being dragged into court for sexual assault allegations. 

Crispin Odey’s skeleton in the closet is brought to light, more than a decade later, by the crown prosecution service as one of the UK’s most successful hedge fund manager is accused of assaulting a young investment banker in the late 1990s. His alleged crime, inviting a junior employee from a major investment bank back to his Chelsea home on 13 July 1998. He is then said to have changed out of his suit into a dressing gown and “launched himself” at the complainant, pushing his hand inside her blouse to grab her breast and putting his hand up her skirt.

His alleged crime, inviting a junior employee from a major investment bank back to his Chelsea home on 13 July 1998


Crispin Odey launches a new fund as he pleads not guilty to the charges of sexual assault under UK’s Sexual Offences Act

Crispin Odey will also step down as co-chief executive of the firm he founded to focus on running his funds as the firm is preparing to rename existing mandates under new branding. Odey Asset Management is creating a new regulatory entity, Brook Asset Management, and will rebrand its fund range under the ‘Brook’ name. All new mandates will take on the new branding.

Crispin Odey founded the firm almost three decades ago with the backing of George Soros.

The markets will continue to be very testing over the next few months as inflationary factors start to make themselves known” – Crispin Odey

Crispin Odey launches a new fund has probably a lot to do with the Odey fund wanting to differentiate itself from Crispin Odey’s sexual assault charges

Crispin Odey has been charged in July but that doesn’t mean he is guilty. What if he has been wrongly charged?

Nevertheless, the damage could already have been done to Crispin Odey’s reputation. 

Commenting on his new fund, Odey said: “I am very excited about my new inflation focused fund, as so few people in the market are thinking this way. This provides a great opportunity for investment, which now more than ever demands one’s full attention.

‘The markets will continue to be very testing over the next few months as inflationary factors start to make themselves known’. 

Crispin Odey launches a new fund that will focus on inflationary pressures

But with massive job losses building, real wages falling and a glut of everything ranging from commercial property to energy surely the deflationary pressures will come first in this deflationary depression that we are experiencing.

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